Yaah! Magazine was
founded in 2015, with a promise to publish four issues per year,
with a game and feature article related to it in each issue.
From the publisher's website:
Yaah! magazine is a
new kind of periodical. An independent digest that
covers all types of war and strategy games, regardless
of their publisher.
We’re independent. Despite being owned by Flying Pig
Games, we aren’t about Flying Pig Games, nor are we
about smashing the competition in dark-hearted reviews.
We only write articles about one thing: Games we love.
Well, okay, we also write a small bit of history. Life is too short to write about the bad stuff.
It was not clear if additional issues following No. 14 in the
summer of 2000 were forthcoming due to COVID-19, but after
an absence of a year and a half, issue 15 appeared on the
website in December 2021.
As of September 2024 no additional issues have appeared.
A number of tactical gams have received coverage in the
pages, including in issue 5 when two ASL scenarios by Canadian
authors (including the webmaster) were published.